PHILSURV GEODETIC SERVICES is one of the leading land surveying companies in the Philippines. Philsurv first completed a survey in 2009 and has since accomplished over 3000 surveys across a wide range of services all over the Philippines and in America.
Our Property Surveys help land owners delineate their property boundaries for real estate management; our Topographic Surveys inform architects, engineers and developers about the elevation and existing features of the site; our Bathymetric Surveys measure underwater surfaces; our skilled Construction Survey teams are deployed in construction sites to support contractors in laying out the positions and elevations of buildings and public infrastructure; our Feasibility Surveys use LiDAR to quickly map entire mountains and thousands of hectares of land; and our Wind Profiling services inform researchers and wind energy specialists about the vertical distribution and patterns of wind speeds and wind directions.
​Philsurv continuously strives to develop the skills and technologies to cater to the surveying needs of today and help shape the future. We take pride in being part of nation-building and community development.
Our Clients

Interested in Joining Our Team?
Fill up our application form here: http://tinyurl.com/PhilsurvAppForm2015
You may submit your CV here: recruitment.philsurv@gmail.com